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Kashgar is the western-most city in China, the city furthest from an ocean on Earth. It sits at the intersection of three branches of the Silk Road as it heads out of China and into points west. Kathmandu is the fabled capital of of the country of Nepal. Lhasa is the political capital of Tibet and the religious capital of the Yellow Hat Bhuddists, whose leader is the exiled Dalai Lama. Bhutan is a jewel sandwiched betwen China (Tibet) and India. Mt Fuji is the beautifully perfect conical volcano on Japan's Honshu island, just a few hours south of Tokyo.
Ever wonder why Mt. Kilimanjaro is in Tanzania? Click here to find out. The journal of my expedition to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro in February 2004. There are nearly 2 million Wildebeest that migrate in an unending circle in the Serengeti in Tanzania and into Kenya's Masai Mara.
  The Masai are the red-robed nomads whose yong men were long expected to kill a lion with a spear as a rite of manhood.  
Yellowstone & Grand Tetons pictures taken while on a National Geographic sponsored trip (don't bother with Nat Geo's trips, they're not what you think; all Nat Geo contributes is their mailing list and their logo) Pictured taken during a two-month trip with my son in April-May 2005. The American West seen through our eyes. A weekend in 2004 to see the leaves during the New England Autumn
Central Park Through The Seasons. I lived on the 70th floor of Metropolitan Tower for a year (2003-2004) and the view was spectacular. Pictures taken at Pier 7 in the Charlestown Navy Yard where I have a condo. Park City Utah. My son and I spent the winter of 2004-2005 in town.
Snowboarding is not at all fun.   Climbing the highest peaks in the 50 states: highpointing
  Nepal 2008 with dZi Foundation  
