dZi Trek to Eastern Nepal 2008

The dZi Foundation operates in eastern Nepal, a relatively under-served region, to provide water taps and to help school-building construction.

Unlike many NGOs, dZi operates in a completely transparent fashion ... publishing the budget for every project in complete detail on the wall of the construction projects, showing AvB for every member of the community to see. In addition, dZi insists that the community provide a large portion of the resources themselves, usually in the form of manual labor. dZi does this within a structure of formal project proposals that can be used by the community to seek assistance from other organizations in the case that dZi is unable to support a particular project.

In October 2008 a group of dZi supporters travelled with dZi founder Jim Nowak and Ben Ayers, who provides in-country support, to the work-region for a two-week trip to visit a number of the project sites and attend completion ceremonies.

We've set up a Google Earth tour of the trek based on GPS coordinates taken during the trip.

Google Earth tour alternatives
KML/KMZ file: 2008 dZi Foundation.kml
Start Google Earth:
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2004 Kilimanjaro climb:

dZi Foundation

Trip members: Ben Ayers, Stephen Boes, George Fisher, Mark Kennedy, Sylvie Legere, Sue Lynn, Jim Nowak, Julie Pierog, Pete Ricketts, Bernedette Saccomanno, Rita Sanders

Send an email to George Fisher; cell 1-917-514-8204
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